Nutrition Information & Tips

Measuring Caloric & Nutritional Intake

There are several factors to consider when it comes to the needed caloric and nutritional intake for different individuals.  The calories that we get from the foods we eat provide us with the energy that we need to live.  The nutrients that are included with these calories give us what our bodies need to operate efficiently.  Not all calories are created equal.  For example, 100 calories of mini-pretzels is not equivalent to 100 calories of broccoli.  Take a look at the amount of mini-pretzels you get per 100 calories (a small bag) compared to the 5 cups of broccoli florets equaling the same amount of calories.  Not to mention the water content, protein, fiber, calcium, potassium, and vitamin C that the broccoli gives you.  Our lifestyles, including our activity levels, also play a role when it comes to our caloric and nutritional needs.  Someone that does manual labor would need more calories for their bodies to function properly compared to someone that woks in front of a computer all day and gets minimal exercise.


Familiarity With Nutritional Info of Your Favorite Foods

If you're anything like me, you love to eat good food!  Not just because of its deliciousness but because you know that it gives you the energy you need to perform at your best.  To ensure that you get the best energy that the food offers it is vital to understand the information on nutrition labels.  If there are a bunch of ingredients that you're unable to pronounce or that you've never heard of, chances are it's not the best food for you.  Remember, packaged and canned foods contain ingredients that prolong shelf life, not your life.  Note the amount of servings per container and the nutrition content per serving.


Awareness of How Certain Foods Make You Feel

When it comes to food sensitivities, intolerance, and allergies our experiences may vary.  I love apples but my daughter chooses to limit eating them (if at all) because their skin irritates her throat.  There may be a deeper science that explains why this happens but if she wants a healthy snack that she can take with her on the go, she has to choose something different.  I consider her fortunate because she knows exactly what happens when she eats apples.  However, some of us aren't as fortunate.  For instance about 65% of the human population has some form of lactose intolerance.  The effects of this intolerance can manifest in different ways including gas, bloating, constipation, abdominal cramps, bloody stool, breathing problems, or no noticeable issues at all.  The foods that we eat should not only provide sustenance but also vitality.  Become familiar with how foods make you feel.


Water, Water, Water

The importance of drinking the right amount of water can never be overstated.  Proper hydration helps us to maintain fluid balance, prevent dehydration, control our caloric intake, maintain skin elasticity, keep our kidneys in good health, and much more.  According to the Mayo Clinic, men should drink about 3.7 liters of water per day and women should drink about 2.7 liters per day.  Of course, this may vary with activity levels and the climates we live in.  If a person is more active or lives in a warmer climate they may lose more water through perspiration compared to someone who isn't as active that lives in a cooler climate.