Welcome to Ditch The Love Handles!

My name is Gemar "Gee" Asadullah, Certified Personal Trainer and Plant Based Nutrition Coach. I started Ditch The Love Handles to share my personal story on how I overcame some serious health challenges that stemmed from an unhealthy lifestyle and included high blood pressure as well as obesity. Hopefully, you or someone you may know and love can benefit from my story and experience as well as avoid some of the pitfalls it took for me to take my health more seriously. A lot of us think that we'll always have the time to do this but this isn't always the case. Ditch The Love Handles includes information about my coaching services and how they help you achieve your health and fitness goals.

I'd also like to invite you to check out the products for purchase from my affiliate partnerships. These products include fitness apparel, yoga programs, and exercise equipment for all fitness levels. I would love to be part of your journey towards becoming the very best version of yourself.

A big motivator for me was having the opportunity to create a health and fitness platform that's easily accessible to friends and family around the world. I invite you to check out the 'My Story' link for some background on how I got here.

Lastly, when it comes to eating I don't believe in "diets". Most "diets" are temporary. I believe in healthy eating habits that are tried, true, and centered around healthy nutrition.  Excellent health should literally not have to cost you an arm and a leg, but unhealthy habits can cost you a lot more (especially for those of us that are members of the 40+ club). Most importantly, regardless of your background, better health is attainable.

I want to thank you for visiting and I hope that I can provide you with a valuable experience with each click!

Please note that I am not a doctor and don't have the credentials to treat medical conditions or give medical advice. It is recommended that you consult with your physician prior to beginning any eating or exercise regimen.  Any information as it pertains to the treatment of medical conditions is clearly referenced by the name of its source.

Fit With Gee Products

Fitness Gear

Yes, times are different and some of our fitness goals that we had in the past may have been derailed a bit.  The good news is that you can still  start an amazing and sustainable fitness regimen at a fraction of the cost you'd pay for a gym membership.

Through my partnerships and affiliates all of the equipment and fitness gear here can be used with any exercise and nutrition program. Together, we can ensure that it coincides with your customized nutrition program. Along with the equipment I can show you the proper forms and techniques that not only prevent injuries but also maximizes your results. One of the worst things we can do is sacrifice form for weight, repetitions, or worst of all....injuries.

Fitness Gear

The Scoop

Every decent website should have a space to share information as well as discuss what's trending in its industry. Here is the space to do just that. I also like to share what's being discussed in the industry as well as provide the opportunity for your responses and any questions that you may have. I openly invite other fitness professionals to share their stories and experiences as well.

The Scoop


Simply put, the food that we eat is what fuels and nourishes our bodies. Food can be a detriment or food can by "thy medicine", as Hippocrates eloquently stated. The nutrients that our bodies extract from foods have the ability to repair our bodies, provide structure for our cells, help us build muscle, keep our organs functioning, regulate our hormones, and can also slow aging. The problem for a lot of us is that we don't know what or how much of these nutrients our bodies need. Are we getting enough protein? Too many carbohydrates? Should we stay away from all fats?

Proper nutrition is vital to achieving and maintaining good health. If you have specific goals in mind with regards to reaching a healthy weight, better athletic performance, greater flexibility, or general health, proper nutrition is extremely important.

Nutrition Planning & Products


Here's where the rubber meets the road! Contact me today to schedule your free coaching consultation. Together we'll formulate an obtainable plan that transforms your fitness goals into results. Since all of my coaching services are one-on-one I can provide a more customized approach that fits you and your lifestyle. But the journey doesn't stop at just reaching your goals. Ongoing maintenance that coincides with your new lifestyle is the true light at the end of the tunnel. I also offer one-on-one virtual coaching programs!

Coaching Services